4 September 2023

Image of Class information

Just some important information for class 2A


1) School starts promptly at 8.50 - so please be on time everyday!

2) PE is on Monday so please remember;

  • Bring school PE kit
  • Make sure it is labelled with your child’s name
  • This will be sent home at end of terms to be cleaned. 

3) Homework - We will be sending our termly homework sheet home in a homework book. 
We ask that you;

  • Read daily and write in the reading - your child will have a reading book linked to their phonics work to practise their skills but will also have one they’ve chosen from the class library which may be too easy or too difficult but is something they have chosen to read. We encourage our children to enjoy reading so please use this book to enjoy together!
  • You will receive some phonics homework each week linked to the sound we are working on.
  • Please choose three of the tasks over the whole term to complete, these May creative activities like to make a model dinosaur or to write a diary of an event. These can be completed in homework books or photos sent in by email to admin@park.blackpool.sch.uk

Most letters will be sent home via Arbour. If you have not yet signed up to Arbour please contact the school office as there are some very important updates sent our regularly, best to keep up to date. 

Swimming - we will keep you updated as to when which term we will be swimming. 


If you have any questions please do ask, I will give everyone a ring this week to check all is ok. 

Mr Brannigan



Posted by Mr Brannigan

Category: 2A 2023-2024