Our new sensory room
We were very lucky to have new supplies arrive for our sensory room in class over half term. We have enjoyed relaxing under the different colours, using the light table and watching the fish in the bubble tube.
Category: 2M 2023-2024
Sensory feet trek
We had a special delivery, our new feet trek! We enjoyed feeling the different textures, walking, hopping and dancing over the different tiles. We all had our favourite one!
Category: 2M 2023-2024
What’s the same and what’s different?
In PSHE, we have started to look at how we are similar and different to each other. We looked in the mirror in class to spot that we all have eyes, ears, a mouth, nose, chin and cheeks. We then looked at how we might have different colour eyes and hair.
Category: 2M 2023-2024
New mud kitchen under construction
We are very excited to share that our mud kitchen has tripled in size over the half term holidays and has a new fence fitted.
We will keep you up to date with all the exciting developments!!
Category: 2M 2023-2024
Learning outside the classroom OPAL
What’s that sound?
We used another sense… hearing! We had to use listening ears to guess the sound and match to the correct animal.
Category: 2M 2023-2024
Flint knapping
In Topic, we learnt all about the different tools that were used in the Stone Age. We then compared them to tools from today and then used soap to teary out flint knapping.
Category: 2M 2023-2024
Super senses
This week in English, we are learning about our five senses and using them to describe settings. We used our eyes to look around and spot different things we could see!
Category: 2M 2023-2024
Star and SCARF
Well done Aiden for being our star for beautiful singing and Jacob our SCARF wearer for being safe.
Category: 2M 2023-2024
Life skills!
Amber volunteered to help wash up this afternoon, she practised some fantastic life skills for Preparation for Adulthood!
Category: 2M 2023-2024
Turn taking and sharing
We worked on our communication skills, passing a ball round our circle and saying our friends names! Great turn taking and sharing 2M!
Category: 2M 2023-2024
We enjoyed spending time this afternoon with Daisy, running around on the Muga and throwing her ball!
Category: 2M 2023-2024
Walking in the forest…
We’ve been enjoying signing and dancing to the song ‘walking in the forest’. This afternoon we went into our forest school to act out the movements!
Category: 2M 2023-2024