Fire engine visit!
We had a special visit from the fire engine and fire fighters today. They showed us their equipment and let us squirt the water on their hose! Thank you so much!
Category: 2M 2023-2024
Washing our hands
In PSHE, we learnt about the importance of washing our hands. We then went to practise our new skills!
Category: 2M 2023-2024
Who and what doing
In English, we used colourful semantics to identify ‘who’ and ‘what doing’ in different cartoons. This helped us to learn about verbs!
Category: 2M 2023-2024
Colour and tone
In Art, 2M enjoyed mixing their own colours together and adding white to see how the tone would change.
Category: 2M 2023-2024
STEM sorting
In STEM with Mrs Rainey, 2M enjoyed sorting objects and colours into different criteria.
Category: 2M 2023-2024
Our new Disney books
2M had a special delivery of new Disney books. They enjoyed looking at the new selection before picking their favourite and spending time reading it.
Category: 2M 2023-2024
Desert explorers
In topic, 2M went on an exploration. They explored the playground for different deserts and animals/insects found in the desert. They found scorpions, tarantulas and camels!
Category: 2M 2023-2024
Sensory tuff tray
2M enjoyed trying vegetables and other foods in ‘Miss Duffy’s sensory sun’ tuff tray today. The pupils had the chance to try: Pasta, crackers, carrots, cucumber, grapes, spinach, celery and granola. The vegetables went down a treat! Well done everyone!
Category: 2M 2023-2024
Science- Exploring Materials
In Science today 2M were exploring different materials and identifying if they were a hard or soft material.
Category: 2M 2023-2024
Spaceboy Spud!
We enjoyed reading out new story in English, interacting with the story props and answering questions.
Category: 2M 2023-2024
Let’s go shopping
In PSHE, we looked at how to keep money safe and how we can exchange money for items. We enjoyed spending 2p in our very own shop and looking after our coin before it was our turn.
Category: 2M 2023-2024
During our STEM lesson today the pupils had the option to choose what they wanted to do the most popular activity was threading beads, some other pupils used cubes to build towers and number block characters too, their creations all looked fantastic well done everyone!n
Category: 2M 2023-2024