World Book Day
3A are excited to take part in world book day activities today!
Category: 3A 2023-2024
Identifying features of a cactus
In Humanities today we have been learning to identify the features of a cactus and explain what the purpose of them is.
Category: 3A 2023-2024
Growing cactus plants
3A have started to grow their own cactus plants after learning about the desert in humanities.
Category: 3A 2023-2024
Making a snack
3A have designed their own toasties. We discussed how adding vegetables can make it healthier!
Category: 3A 2023-2024
3A were doing basketball and trampoling in PE. They were practicing their throwing, catching and aiming skills.
Category: 3A 2023-2024
3A’s Equal Groups
3A have been learning how to make equal groups in maths today. They practiced counting in 2’s, 3’s and 5’s.
Category: 3A 2023-2024
Reading For Pleasure
3A have enjoyed reading some of their favourite books this morning.
Category: 3A 2023-2024
Colourful Semantics
3A have been learning to use verbs, nouns and adjectives in their sentences.
Category: 3A 2023-2024
Elmer fun
3A have been exploring the stories of Elmer as we build up to the Big Elmer Parade!
Category: 3A 2023-2024
Baking for Brian House Hospice coffee morning
We can’t wait to sell our chocolate crispy cakes at the Elmer Coffee morning on Friday 23rd Feb 10am-11.30am.
Category: 3A 2023-2024
We are Outstanding!
3A enjoyed their Ofsted celebrations today. We are very proud to be at PCA.
Category: 3A 2023-2024
Prayer mats
3A experienced quiet reflection time whilst weaving their own prayer mat designs.
Category: 3A 2023-2024