Outdoor learning day
3A have enjoyed hanging their fruit kebabs for birds, squirrels and butterflies!
Category: 3A 2023-2024
Outdoor learning
3Ahave enjoyed hanging their fruit kebabs for birds, squirrels and butterflies!
Category: Eco Blog
Cloud Watching
As part of our outside learning day 3J went outside to watch the clouds and look for shapes we could see in them. Unfortunately the whole sky was covered in a giant one so we couldn’t see any individual shapes. We watched some on YouTube instead.
Category: 3J 2023-2024
Story time in the Hive
We started our Outdoor Learning Day in the Hive this morning
Category: Eco Blog
Key stage 1 Learning outside the classroom 1B
Story time in the Hive
We started our Outdoor Learning Day in the Hive this morning
Category: 1B 2023-2024
ECO Key stage 1 Learning outside the classroom 1B
Watercolour Art
Fantastic use of watercolours today in Art.
Category: 3S 2023-2024
Hapa Zome
Hapa Zome is a type of Artwork that involves printing.
We painted our bubble wrap shape, and then had to “press” on paper. The best bit was going “bang” with the mallet.
Category: 1S 2023-2024
Fine motor skills Creative Arts
Learning about the different types of weather and the 4 seasons.
Category: 3T 2023-2024
Earthquake challenge
Today we have been experimenting with building tall structures as a part of our Earthquake topic. We each used marshmallows and cocktail sticks to create a structure for Mrs Johnson to shake to see if it would withstand an Earthquake!
Category: 3J 2023-2024
What’s in the suitcase?
2M have been learning about different types of holidays. They then explored two of Miss Miller’s suitcases to try to work out where she was travelling to. We all guessed correctly… a beach holiday and a winter holiday!
Category: 2M 2023-2024
At Myerscough today sixth form have looking after the cats. They have had to clean out the cats enclosures sweeping,mopping,washing out bowls, hoovering scratch platforms and cleaning the walls. They also fed them and gave them clean water .
Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024
Javelin in PE
Category: 3K 2023-2024