3H have been learning about ‘The Creation Story’ in R.E, today they have sequenced the story independently.
Category: 3H 2023-2024
In music today 3H have started to learn the value of different musical notes; semibreves, minims and crotchets! After we had learnt about the notes and their values we clapped a simple rhythm. 3H impressed themselves with their ability to read musical notation, well done 3H!
Category: 3H 2024-2025
Incredibox songs
In computing today, we experimented on the website Incredibox. Everyone got to create their own pieces of music!
Category: 3B 2024-2025
We are vets
Pupils in 1C have enjoyed our vets role play area today.
We have checked heart beats, applied plasters and made our animals feel better.
We have a special thank you to say to a every kind parent in 1C who donated the vet costumes.
Category: 1C 2024-2025
Harvest artwork
Category: 2M 2024-2025
Mental Health Day
Well done for the children who embraced mental health day and wore some yellow today. You all looked brilliant!
Category: 3J 2024-2025
Students got to sit on a motorbike during a mechanics session at Myerscough College.
Category: 4J 2024-2025
Students got to sit on a motorbike during a mechanics session at Myerscough College.
Category: 4J 2024-2025
Students got to sit on a motorbike during a mechanics session at Myerscough College.
Category: 4J 2024-2025
Today 3H took part in a carousel of maths activities, to promote working independently and reinforce our learning.
Category: 3H 2023-2024
Attention Autism - Acorn Painting
During our Attention Autism circle time this morning, the children watched Miss Brown do some acorn painting in a box. The children loved the action of ‘shake, shake, shake’ and liked the noise it made. They were all so eager to have a go afterwards. They made some fantastic acorn painting. Keep…
Category: 1A 2024-2025
Welcome to our vet role play
Thank you to a parent of 1C who very kindly bought the class some vet outfits. We can’t wait to see the children wear and play in this area today.