Painting landscapes
3A have been learning about lots of different types of landscapes including forests, mountains, deserts and rivers. This afternoon they had a go at drawing and painting their own landscape.
Category: 3A 2023-2024
Past tense verbs
3A identified past tense verbs this morning. They moved on to explore the rule of regular and irregular verbs.
Category: 3A 2023-2024
Outdoor learning day
3A have enjoyed hanging their fruit kebabs for birds, squirrels and butterflies!
Category: 3A 2023-2024
Personal hygiene
We used our senses to explore various products for washing our hair, skin and mouths as part of a personal hygiene routine.
Category: 3A 2023-2024
3As garden
3A have been repotting their sunflowers and Broad beans this morning. Great team work!
Category: 3A 2023-2024
Forest animals
In humanities 3A have been learning lots of new facts about forest animals!
Category: 3A 2023-2024
Sorting shapes
We had fun sorting 2D and 3D shapes with a given criteria!
Category: 3A 2023-2024
Our Garden
3A have been growing lots of different plants including sunflowers, broad beans and wildflowers. We now have our very own mini garden outside our classroom.
Category: 3A 2023-2024
Sandwich creations
3A have been tasting new vegetables to make their whole meal wraps healthy.
Category: 3A 2023-2024
Scarecrow Exhibition
Thursday 23rd May is National Outdoor Learning Day. To help us promote our Forest School and Outdoor Learning provision , this year we are holding our first School Scarecrow Exhibition as part of our days events. Each class will create their own freestanding scarecrow, from a theme of…
Category: 3A 2023-2024
Food Tech
In food tech today 3A designed and made their own sandwiches.
Category: 3A 2023-2024
Brushing teeth
As part of our personal hygiene topic in PSHE the class have been practicing how to properly brush our teeth.
Category: 3A 2023-2024