Today in STEM, 3H were given a challenge! The task was to build a tower using only scissors, cellotape and 5 pieces of paper for their resources. Everyone worked hard in pairs and Mrs Rainey was very impressed with their creativity and teamwork!
Category: 3H 2024-2025
Category: 3C 2024-2025
Bunsen Burner’s
Category: 3C 2024-2025
Category: 3C 2024-2025
5I Gym Time
This morning, we had a very fun session in our gym with Mr Story for our fitness session!
Category: Sixth Form 2024-2025
During maths we were singing 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive. We sang the song and even tried to do the actions.
Category: 1B 2024-2025
Our very own coloured hearts
We had so much fun today. We have been learning to hold a pencil crayon! We then coloured in our own hearts which will be going on our new display board.
Category: 1B 2024-2025
Reading for pleasure
We all enjoyed looking and listening to some stories during our readin session.
Well done 1C!
Category: 1C 2024-2025
Library time
This afternoon we went to the library and chose some books to read quietly and some to take back to our own reading area in class.
Category: 3H 2024-2025
2A had their first French lesson today! They learnt how to greet people in French and learnt about different French items and played lots of fun games!!
Category: 2A 2024-2025
Sensory Room Stars
1B tried to “catch a star” in the sensory room today.
it was so much fun as sometimes the stars were fast, and sometimes they moved very slowly.
Category: 1B 2024-2025
Pencil and drawing skills
In art we used our pencil skills to draw different types of marks and coloured in a shape. Great listening and following instructions 2E.
Category: 2E 2024-2025